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One Piece SPOILERS Capitolo 988

One Piece Capitolo 988 Spoiler, ワンピース Spoiler, One Piece Raw

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Chapter 988: “Sorry for the wait”.

In the cover, Pound is swimming towards Bege's ship while Marines fires their cannons to them.

Kaidou is about to fight the Minks but Jack and some of his subordinates arrive at the roof of Onigashima to help Kaidou. One of the Numbers is with them, he's Number 7 and looks like a japanese Oni in Momotarō’s tale.

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi were about to get the revenge on Jack but their subordinates (Guardians and Musketeers) said them they should focus only on Kaidou. They and the other Minks will handle Jack and Beast Pirates. Inuarashi and Nekomamushi are agree and then all Minks transform into Sulong.

Back to the Live Floor in Onigashima. Shinobu tries to free Momonosuke but King notices her and throws Shinobu into the wall. However, at that moment Momonosuke chains are broken and then Momonosuke mysteriously flies away.

King stops Momonosuke in midair and we discover that it was Sanji the one who saved Momonosuke. Sanji praises Momonosuke for his courage and throws him to Shinobu. King transforms into Pteranodon and crashes into the wall along with Sanji.

Luffy wants to go fight Kaidou in the roof but Big Mom blocks him. Big Mom uses “Elbaf no Yari: Ikoku” attack, Luffy manages to dodge it but the attack penetrates Onigashima walls all the way out into the sea.

The samurai are shocked to see Big Mom's power and wonders how they will manage to fight now that there are 2 enemies at the level of Kaidou (Big Mom and Kaidou of course). Big Mom summons Zeus back to her, Zeus doesn't want to go but he cannot refuse.

Then Big Mom prepares to use Zeus' Thunder to kill Nami but Franky and Brook arrive to save their nakama. Brook cuts Zeus in two (again) and Franky slams “Kurosai” motorcycle right into Big Mom's face…


Jack admits he is incompetent

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